The Monroe Group, LLC
New York City and State MBE - PANYNJ MBE, SBE, DBE
Capital Projects
Program Management
The Monroe Group, LLC understands the complexities of spearheading significant Capital and Streetscapes projects. Each capital project is different, with multidimensional challenges and significant pressures relating to the value, cost, time, and public scrutiny. The shortest delays or slightest cost increases often impact performance and the bottom line. The Monroe Group delivers methods that help our public and private
partners make analysis-driven capital project decisions.
Why Choose us?
Our team provides a unique combination of project development and construction expertise, community engagement, relationships with key stakeholders, and proprietary tools and data that enables us to serve as
trusted partners to governments, private developers, and investors.
We bring an independent perspective aligned with their goals and unencumbered by competing interests of the numerous stakeholders involved with large capital projects. This distinct focus on successful project delivery mitigates frequent problems that lead to cost overruns or schedule delays.
We integrate proven capabilities into our services, systems, tools, and platforms.
Our team representing a unique combination of strategic advisors and senior practitioners with decades of firsthand experience works alongside project stakeholders to create value and impact that other traditional firms may miss or ignore. We build systems, controls, and governance structures for capital projects, in addition to the planning and management of the project lifecycle. Whether building, operating or investing in significant capital assets, we help stakeholders achieve their objectives and execute capital projects confidently.